
Host for exclusive survey templates developed by recognized doctors and therapists.

Request Access Login

Available Schemaes

SMI 1.1

Schema Mode Inventory version 1.1


Young Parenting Inventory


Young Schema Questionnaire S3

Request Access

To access SurveySuper, you must request access.

After your request is validated, you will receive an email with your username and password.

We invoice your purchases on an ongoing basis, so you must fill out billing information when requesting access to SurveySuper.

When you access SurveySuper, you choose how many licenses you want to buy from the various surveys. You can easily and effortlessly purchase multiple licenses in the system.

Request Access
By requesting access to SurveySuper, you get access to electronic surveys developed by recognized doctors and therapists.
1. Hvordan opretter jeg spørgeskemaer

En kort video som viser hvordan du opretter et spørgeskema og sender det til klienten.

2. Hvordan udfylder klienten spørgeskemaet

En kort video som viser hvordan klienten kan svare på spørgeskemaet.

3. Hvordan læser jeg rapporterne

En kort video som viser hvordan du finder og læser rapporterne.

SurveySuper is easy to use and with just a few clicks, you are ready to send out your first surveys.

You always have the full overview of your clients answers, once the form has been answered, the answer report is ready with a single click.